4 generations to fighting game titled Street Fighter from Capcom has been present in a variety of platforms, from the Playstation 3, Xbox360, Nintendo Wii, PC, NDS, PSP, Playstation 2, to the arcade machine. On Street Fighter 4, Capcom resemble some new elements, such as visually unique and beautiful, with the feature race of the new Focus Attack, to the additional new characters. Games provides games Single-Player, Two-Player Match, and Online Multiplayer mode. For gamers who want to play with the computer. Also can not underestimate AI in Street Fighter 4. They will make a gamer in every round, prickly issue. But sometimes they only issue the moment it - that's it. So with the easy movement AI read by us. Talking race with the new feature, namely Focus Attack. A new moment, which not only allows gamers to avoid the attack of the opponent but also to absorb and mencounter attack the enemy. And the damage gained from attacks while the opponent will be absorbed soon after gamers unleash counter attack his opponent. To expedite Focus Attack, gamers simply press the button and light scat backlash at the same time. Focus Attack themselves divided into 3 types.
For the first type, gamer press and release the button, the character will be issued a weak attack that can be blocked by the opponent. For both types, gamers hold the button about 2 seconds in length so that the characters start coruscate gamer look, then release button, then the character will spend the rather strong attack. In the third stage, gamers hold the button about 3 seconds and release the key length, then the character will attack that issue can not be block by your opponent. While this attack has been released, gamers can also combine directly with the moment to create combo attacks. Besides the new features, gamers can still issue a moment - moment, such as Ultra Move moment that can only been, if the Revenge Meter to fill full and showing the word "Ultra". Revenge Meter certainly filled with itself, if successful gamer give damage on his opponent. Then the moment Super Moves that have a strong enough damage. Moment this can been after the Super Meter blue (located under the game screen) and it is fully displayed the words "Super". Similarly for the moment EX Moves akan siphon Super Meter as well. Apart from the above moment, a movement such as slash, dash, etc can also do the gamer. A
nd last, gamers can also taunt your opponent by pressing the button smasher and kick simultaneously. Character characters that appear in Street Fighter 4 characters long than there are also some additional new characters, character list Below Street Fighter 4, ie, Abel, Akuma, Balrog, Blanka, Cammy, Chun li, Crimson Viper, Dan, Dhalsim, Honda, El Fuerte, Fei long, Gen, Gouken, Guile, M. Bison, Rose, Rufus, Ryu, Sagat, Sakura, Seth, Vega, Zangief. In terms of visual, Street Fighter 4 great changes, is to combine environmental and Capcom characters in a combination of 3D display 2D and 3D gameplay. The result is a display of unique and beautiful. Not only that, at a certain angle the camera will take the views of different directions - different, so it looks real 3D elements. To Audionya, Street Fighter 4 presents the music with a fast rhythm and the sound was not quite sound with the music game. Such as voice screaming spectators in the street. In conclusion, Street Fighter 4 game should be fighting you collection.
With the new feature, add a new character, a fight in progress with the skill to play fast and fingers - Your hand in the control and accuracy of reading the motion to give the opponent challenges in this fighting game. In addition there are also more point on the visual that is unique and beautiful, make sure the time when gamers play with friends - a friend. Street Fighter 4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Genre: Fighting Platform: X360
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