Monday, July 20, 2009



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Ingat! Jika anda ingin mendapatkan hasil yang lebih besar, anda harus mau berinvestasi terlebih dahulu, lagipula investasi ini sangatlah kecil dibandingkan dengan hasil yang akan anda peroleh. Terlebih account anda akan di iklankan secara gratis melalui jaringan periklanan Google, Yahoo, dan MSN selama sebulan…dan selama sebulan ini anda akan mendapatkan income yang tak di duga duga.

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Enaknya di bisnis ini, website anda tersebut bukan anda yang mempromosikannya tapi pihak bisnis ini yang mempromosikannya pakai Google Adwords tanpa biaya tambahan. Selamat mencoba!

Sekali lagi, terima kasih !

Apakah Anda ingin sukses dan berjaya di program ini?

Syarat utama keberhasilan program ini adalah Anda harus mau berinvestasi $10 seperti yang saya jelaskan di atas dan mampu mengajak orang lain bergabung gratis an menjadi referal Anda. Nah, bagaimana caranya mencari orang yang tertarik dan bergabung menjadi referal Anda? Coba cara saya ini yang terbukti cukup efektif.

1. Promosikan progam “Acme search people” setiap hari di dan

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Penting Untuk Mengingatkan Anda dan Mohon Baca!

Jika Anda melengkapi langkah 2 (minimal pilih GDI), Anda akan mempunyai “Search People Engine” milik Anda sendiri yang sangat luar biasa yang memiliki potensi mesin uang sepanjang hidup Anda karena:

  • Search engine itu dapat menghasilkan uang dari clickbank, google adsense yang kita miliki.
  • Search engine itu pasti dicari dan digunakan orang, khususnya orang US karena dapat mencari orang lengkap dengan alamat dan nomor telepon di lebih 50 negara bagian US
  • Anda akan mendapat komisi tambahan sebesar $10 dari setiap referal Anda yang ternyata tertarik memenuhi langkah 2 dan aktif selama 45 hari.
  1. Anda bisa mendapatkan lebih dari $5 untuk setiap referral yang anda ajak, apabila referral yang anda ajak juga melakukan langkah-langkah Affiliate, Monetize dan Advertise.
  2. Apabila affiliate anda sudah sampai pada langkah affiliate hingga hari ke-30 setelah mendaftar, maka anda akan mendapatkan $5
  3. Apabila affiliate anda sudah sampai pada langkah monetize hingga hari ke-45 setelah mendaftar, maka anda akan mendapatkan $5 + $10 = $15
  4. Apabila affiliate anda sudah sampai pada langkah advertise hingga hari ke-60 setelah mendaftar, maka anda akan mendapatkan $5 + $10 + $15 = $30


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Archos 9 Tablet Touchscreen Netbook Market Sound UK

Archos 9 Tablet Touchscreen Netbook Market Sound UK

This is not the first time for the new Archos products issued. This product is also not very new, but previously was marketed in other countries. This time with the Archos inaugurate product 9 in the UK in the hope that this product can be in demand market in the UK. Of course, with the price range that is slightly different from the previous price range. To own this Archos product specification mentioned that there is a short version and the 80GB capacity hardisk have also have a 160GB capacity. For the 80GB selling with a price around 735 USD or 7.3 million. While for the 160GB model itself was about 816 or about USD 8.1 million. Not only about price, the is leaking this information is also preach that later this Archos 9 to soon be marketed in September 2009 to come, while for the use of Windows 7 will be released on 22 October 2009 to come.

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This is not the first time for the new Archos products issued. This product is also not very new, but previously was marketed in other countries. This time with the Archos inaugurate product 9 in the UK in the hope that this product can be in demand and menggebrak market in the UK. Of course, with the price range that is slightly different from the previous price range.

To own this Archos product specification mentioned that there is a short version and the 80GB capacity hardisknya have also have a 160GB capacity. For the 80GB dibandrol with a price around 735 USD or 7.3 million. While for the 160GB model itself was about 816 or about USD 8.1 million. This price is not too far terpaut.

Not only about price, the is leaking this information is also preach that later this Archos 9 akan soon be marketed in September 2009 to come, while for the use of Windows 7 will be released on 22 October 2009 to come.

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Free Microsoft Antivirus Immediately outstanding 23 June 2009

Free Microsoft Antivirus Immediately outstanding 23 June 2009

Company classmates want to join Microsoft in fact make a contribution in the antivirus. That was raised by a representative from Microsoft to the front of the press some time ago. And plan, the beta version of Microsoft Security Essentials will be available to the public on 23 June 2009 to come. Of course this will be quite interesting to try, especially with lots of Windows users out there, especially if the difficulty is by malware fell ill. Perhaps this is the action to be able to cope with the complaint for the complaint to the user. And that the difficulties during this wedge because so many malware attacks, but Microsoft itself is not sufficient to be able to provide solutions to the products.

Previous project itself is called Morro, which offered special protection to be able to combat viruses, spyware trojan also will soon switch the Windows Live OneCare, which was never there. Where the first application is allowed to own 49.95 USD per year. But the noise made by the Live OneCare will be replaced by the emergence of this application Morro later.

Morro Applications are available in the free package which can be run on the operating system Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. This application is deliberately matched to Microsoft products only. In addition to more light and more effective as well.

Competitor-competitor that already exists such as AVG, Kaspersky and Symantec is a role more than what Microsoft offered for the application, said JR Smith, CEO of AVG add. Will the application later Morro is better than other antivirus? We are waiting his arrival later.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

T-Mobile Dash immediately pressent 3G Month July 2009 to come

T-Mobile Dash immediately present 3G Month July 2009 to come. Ease of today we can taste with the ease of communication. Beruntungnya how we live at the time of this is very much different because of the era in which our forefathers only to communicate, so hard and long because of limited time and technology. Luckily it again because the technology already exists today, we are easy access, each time from where and at any time, we may also share information and communicate with relatives or relatives who live in two different places. Now appear immediately return the product output from T-Mobile where the product itself will be named Dash 3G. Indeed, if viewed from the type of design will be offered with a mobile phone is similar to the output HTC Snap announced that HTC has not been long in this year's CTIA event. WCDMA mobile phone can be run on the 3G network. This phone can also dikoneksikan to the Internet using Wi-Fi. Be sure akan easy if you're in a place with Wi-Fi, you can surf in the virtual world for free, and easy to use this network. View from the model, a smartphone that is already using the QWERTY keyboard that is currently used by many models of the present smartphone. To own operating system, use this mobile phone operating system Windows Mobile 6.1. Tell on the phone will soon be released in July 2009 to come. Unfortunately, not described in detail in any country and how the price of the phone. Wait for further news.
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Company Launches GeeksPhone Spain Ponsel Android "One"

Company Launches GeeksPhone Spain Ponsel Android "One". They may look like a mobile phone such as Samsung omnia. But should you be deceived, because this phone is a phone that is just produced by the company Geeksphone Spain.
Initially Spain began to produce Android handset. And according to a newspaper circulating in Spain, it seems there will be a launch event products Geeksphone One in Barcelona on 28 June 2008. Cupcake of supported mobile phone equipped with a PXA310 625MHz processor cores, Quadband EDGE plus HSDPA, WiFi, Bluetooth, AGPS, 3.2 megapixel main camera plus a camera in front for video calls and support microSD can be improved. Voters also be calculated that the clear and good, so is suitable to serve as the track player. In addition, the mobile phone is also equipped with a touch screen the size of 3.2 inch. Matter of the price offered, the phone is offered with the price varies. Geeksphone own offering in the market between 250 Euro and 300 Euro.

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Intel Atom processor not only for Netbook

Chip Processors Intel Netbook pledge so that can now be found everywhere in the form of a desktop computer, so with what are now made by Hewlett-Packard and Acer. On Wednesday ago, the details that emerged from the HP MediaSmart Server LX195, a home-server package with the processor Intel Atom 1.6 GHz given the price of 400 USD or about 4 million below with 1Gb memory and hard drives of 640GB. until now, HP has been using Intel Celeron and Advanced Micro Devices' Sempron processor. At the beginning of this month alone, Acer has Acer aspireRevo products, namely, small shapes, chasing up the Intel Atom processor with the nVidia chipset Ion to improve the performance of its graphics. this is expected to be even better with the price range of under 300 USD for some models.

Asus is one of the pioneers of using the Head Swaealing atom processor on the computer desktop with the Eee chasing, which has been enhanced with the use of ATI graphics. By design, the use of Intel atom processor itself is of course intended to save more power and the use of ration as a result, this is indeed slower than the speed of the chip processor architecture Intel core 2 Duo. Vendor HP, for example, the server mediaSmart it as a storage hub, which usually does not require much processing power. And the Intel Atom processor itself is a cheap price, that is, the Intel Atom 230 is only sold with the price only 29 USD, compared to the Celeron processor chip is priced about 34 USD and is far more extravagant portion charged. Main Processor Intel Core 2 Duo for the desktop this will give the price range starting from 110 USD. Intel has long been maintaining its Atom processors in the design of computer Nettop, and last year alone, Intel has been marketing the product Atom 330 Dual Core dipasaran. Strategy has been implemented in Taipei, where producers have the Asrock motherboard desktop computer with a processor Intel Atom 330 dual core and Nvidia chipset ion. Asus is also expected to update chasing Eee with Intel Atom processor is Dual core.

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SolidLogic GS-L10 Mini-ITX

SolidLogic GS-L10 Mini-ITX, Mini PC Without A Wind Fan

As we know, is used by computer users who may be extra in the usage. May not only use it two hours, what if the computer is used for 8 hours more? Remain stable, is not it? Yes, it is because the existence of the fan in your motherboard. So what if you have a mini-computer, but without the fan? This is certainly not something to be concerned, but SolidLogic GS-L10 Mini-ITX from Logic Supply may be intended stay awake without any terliput by, and operating without a fan that is provided. Selected from cases Serener and MS-9818 motherboard from MSI, which consists of units heatsinks that support 3 different processors from Intel Montevina processors from the processor CM585 Intel Celeron M up to 2.16GHz processor T9400 Core 2 Duo 2.53GHz, Memory up to 4GB, options for the HDD or SSD storage, and a choice of Operating System Windows XP, Vista, or Ubuntu. While the connection to their own, equipped with 2 ethernet connection and 4 USB ports, with the view that as well with VGA, DVI, and HDMI video for it. The price range starts at 861 USD, if the package without HDD, and if in full kit and the package could reach 1900 USD Posted by :


K Series Notebook ASUS K40IN-A1 Ready to be marketed in the United States

Provide ease of computerization in all areas is one of the role provided by the notebook. What you feel when you are not in work or at home, but you are in another place, and you must make a report to excel format. Of this desire to be invited akan what do you do at that time, the solution can get a good notebook is ready to accompany you wherever you are.

Indeed, if we mentioned the brand, many brands will be met in the field. But if you had time to realize that the market now is still virtual ranah fever akan products eee ASUS pc cardboard. Well, presumably what the product will soon be released by large companies. ASUS has issued Series K series laptop that is K40IN-A1 type which has been wrapped by NVIDIA GeForce graphics G102M. Besides that, this monitor from the laptop itself beresolusi 1366 x 768 with 14 inch LED screen, at this time is using the Core 2 Duo processor T6400, 4GB RAM, 320GB hard drive capacity and technology Super Hybrid Engine and baterei 6-cell. Hmm, I want the price to its market? Yes if you want to have it, you can have with price range 850 EUR Posted by :

AMD Athlon II X2 250 & Phenom II X2 550 Black Edition

If we do that the first processor in the AMD processor is fast and hot that even the weakness of a point of departure for AMD can improve its products. Especially because of AMD processor has become as much drill is suitable when used to play the game.
This time AMD comes with a child that is new 45nm dual-core Athlon X2 II 250 with a TDP of features that run on 65 watt power supply voltage and will decrease its own energy consumption to 50 percent when you use it for things such as the standard for typing. In addition, AMD also delivered dual-core AMD Phenom X2 II 550 Black Edition, from the info on the CPU tell that this care on a platform in the Dragon, which will also be able to support OverDrive 3.0 but of course the cost will be higher with the later this feature. Unfortunately, not mentioned in detail how the price range of the two types of AMD's new processor. Posted by:

PC Desktop Aspire M5800 and M3800

Want to have a new computer? But confusion is not because you choose the person who can own up a computer unit. Perhaps the following information can be can be a very good reference for you. This Acer Desktop PC introduce the newest series and the Aspire M5800 Aspire M3800. View name is not too different. How about the specification of the two types of PC's Desktop. Let's surgery the following information. Well, if you mengincar Aspire M5800 model this could be the right choice for your gaming pleasure. Because the views of the specification is quite powerful, is certainly will not disappoint if you use a tool you play. In it you will find the Core 2 Quad processor speed 2.66GHz, 8GB RAM, 1.5GB GeForce GT230 as grafisnya and you will be very happy with the 740GB hard drive capacity and also features HDMI Out. What about price? You probably should merelakan funds around USD 800 to bring home and put it in your room. Then how about the relatives Aspire M3800, is there any difference with the previous type? Actually appear and type Aspire M3800 Acer X3810 by side. In it you will get a 2.5GHz Pentium and Integrated X4500 as grafisnya. For this type of dibandrol Aspire M3800 with the price 450 USD, or approximately 4.5 million. While for the X3810 model was around 529 USD. Not enough affordable? And computers has been accompanied by the 23 inch monitor sail H235H, which use the 1080p resolution, 160 degrees Viewing Angle and 100.000:1 ratio. However, to monitor dibandrol with its own price range at around 239 USD. So, you are interested to have one?

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Mozilla Firefox 3.5

What is needed internet users in the world? Of course, the speed performance of a web browser that is good. Where can display the essential functions of a website and show to the public before the sophistication of a website with the same speed and features an interesting choice in it. Finally, we also hold long missed, after many times are the version of Firefox 3.5 RC, has now given us the opportunity to try to direct that Firefox 3.5 is ready for use. The launch own Mozilla Firefox 3.5 that has twice the speed compared to Firefox 3.0. But what are the other benefits? For Firefox version 3.5 itself mentioned that not only faster than with Firefox 3.0 but is also available free plugin that supports video and audio playback using the Ogg Vorbis and Ogg Theora. In addition, this new version of the browser also supports Flash video, and reduce the burden on the CPU when you are in the video display. Hmmm, interesting once yeah? Interested to try? Simply download the authorized website. Posted by :

Street Fighter 4

4 generations to fighting game titled Street Fighter from Capcom has been present in a variety of platforms, from the Playstation 3, Xbox360, Nintendo Wii, PC, NDS, PSP, Playstation 2, to the arcade machine. On Street Fighter 4, Capcom resemble some new elements, such as visually unique and beautiful, with the feature race of the new Focus Attack, to the additional new characters. Games provides games Single-Player, Two-Player Match, and Online Multiplayer mode. For gamers who want to play with the computer. Also can not underestimate AI in Street Fighter 4. They will make a gamer in every round, prickly issue. But sometimes they only issue the moment it - that's it. So with the easy movement AI read by us. Talking race with the new feature, namely Focus Attack. A new moment, which not only allows gamers to avoid the attack of the opponent but also to absorb and mencounter attack the enemy. And the damage gained from attacks while the opponent will be absorbed soon after gamers unleash counter attack his opponent. To expedite Focus Attack, gamers simply press the button and light scat backlash at the same time. Focus Attack themselves divided into 3 types.

For the first type, gamer press and release the button, the character will be issued a weak attack that can be blocked by the opponent. For both types, gamers hold the button about 2 seconds in length so that the characters start coruscate gamer look, then release button, then the character will spend the rather strong attack.
In the third stage, gamers hold the button about 3 seconds and release the key length, then the character will attack that issue can not be block by your opponent. While this attack has been released, gamers can also combine directly with the moment to create combo attacks. Besides the new features, gamers can still issue a moment - moment, such as Ultra Move moment that can only been, if the Revenge Meter to fill full and showing the word "Ultra". Revenge Meter certainly filled with itself, if successful gamer give damage on his opponent. Then the moment Super Moves that have a strong enough damage. Moment this can been after the Super Meter blue (located under the game screen) and it is fully displayed the words "Super". Similarly for the moment EX Moves akan siphon Super Meter as well. Apart from the above moment, a movement such as slash, dash, etc can also do the gamer. A

nd last, gamers can also taunt your opponent by pressing the button smasher and kick simultaneously.
Character characters that appear in Street Fighter 4 characters long than there are also some additional new characters, character list Below Street Fighter 4, ie, Abel, Akuma, Balrog, Blanka, Cammy, Chun li, Crimson Viper, Dan, Dhalsim, Honda, El Fuerte, Fei long, Gen, Gouken, Guile, M. Bison, Rose, Rufus, Ryu, Sagat, Sakura, Seth, Vega, Zangief. In terms of visual, Street Fighter 4 great changes, is to combine environmental and Capcom characters in a combination of 3D display 2D and 3D gameplay. The result is a display of unique and beautiful. Not only that, at a certain angle the camera will take the views of different directions - different, so it looks real 3D elements. To Audionya, Street Fighter 4 presents the music with a fast rhythm and the sound was not quite sound with the music game. Such as voice screaming spectators in the street. In conclusion, Street Fighter 4 game should be fighting you collection.

With the new feature, add a new character, a fight in progress with the skill to play fast and fingers - Your hand in the control and accuracy of reading the motion to give the opponent challenges in this fighting game. In addition there are also more point on the visual that is unique and beautiful, make sure the time when gamers play with friends - a friend.
Street Fighter 4 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Genre: Fighting Platform: X360

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Final Fantasy XIII

The core story of Final Fantasy XIII relate to the thirteen centuries ago, in the FF XIII world, where fantasy and the era of technology has been there, and in the world consists of two different places, namely Cocoan and Pulse. Cocoan is home to the human race through the air. And this place was created by a crystal that superkuat, which is used Fal'Cie (which is not a race of human races). However, over time, rotate, people began to fear for the safety of their world under threat, which is inhabited by the giant monster, insects, mutan, etc.. The place is called Pulse Symptoms of fear, this man began to appear, when some people start contracting the virus believed to come from the Pulse. But the group Holy Government of Cocoon have quarantine people are contagious. View of the worries and concerns of the Cocoan, Fal'Cie send a woman who is a former soldier trained, named Lightning mengemban task to investigate this incident. ff13_3Dan Lightning is a major figure in this sekuel. From the physical even though he looks like a sweet woman, but he has enough ability to fight the powerful. Bring in weapons with a unique sword that can be changed into a form of gun death. Sekuel gameplay in Final fantasy XIII is almost similar to sekuel Final Fantasy and other RPG game titles that are still in the production of roof Square Soft. In the Dungeon, when characters meet with the enemy, the enemy in the head icon will appear. If the two sides close together then the battle was started. Players can also attack the enemy at their unguarded, with its approach from the rear. Conditions make this defense (defense) a weak enemy. Moving from screen to screen exploration combat designed with quick with a clever camera angle. And the fight ended, then Is akan contention presents the results and the ranking by the number of stars, ranging from one to five. To fight the system ff13_2 Final Fantasy XIII is still using system contention classic RPG that provides command line action that is different for each - each character, such as attack, defend, use items, mensummon monster, use magic, science, and so forth. In addition, the system ATB (Active Time Battle) will also be found in this sekuel. Overall, the melee system is almost similar can be said with sekuel Final Fantasy VIII and the title game Chrono Cross. Contention in sekuel is also enhanced to run with the smooth and fast, so that players feel are watching animation. Besides the main quest and the quest secondary, which is the preoccupation in every solitary sekuel Final Fantasy game is to explore every corner of the map to find the Dungeon or chest treasure trove that may contain the type of items that even very rare quality. Yes, if players are lucky. However, in this sekuel, his chest treasure trove spherical iron. ff13_1Tokoh - figure behind the making of Final Fantasy XIII games are still with the same leaders who make a game of Final Fantasy, as Tetsuya Nomura, Nobuo Uematsu, and so forth. Actual game Final Fantasy XIII only released for the Playstation3 only. However, the exciting news show, which will also release for the Xbox360 machines also. So ... we wait in 2010. Final Fantasy XIII Developer: Square Enix Publisher: Square Enix Genre: RPG Platform: X360, Playstation 3 Release date: TBA 2010

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Acer Aspire One AO751h

There is no ivory that is not cracked, it is a very appropriate word in describing a good product but still have its lack of. Indeed, there is no perfect in this world, but at least a good choice and it should be quite a lot also. Depending on the back with what we need, and all will be easy as long as we get our bags out of funds afford more. That's it. Talking about the product as described in the illustration above, it also seems that occurs in the Acer netbook Acer Aspire One model AO751h where the size of the netbook has a 11.6 inch quality in terms of durability of batteries, but as news unfortunately this laptop that provided by processor the less suitable the Intel Atom Z520 CPU 1:22 GHz speed, the look of this type of processor used akan prevent speed battery, but immune to its own terms, this netbook can hold even more than 7 hours. Wah, this may be that he needed from a netbook. Would this product too bundling with a slower processor. May be replaced if processornya faster, netbook is so very worth of your choice.

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Sony Ericsson W508

Re-introducing the present walkman phone with a feature that is quite a sophisticated mobile phone Sony Ericsson W508. Phone said there was little similarity with the type of W980i, but when we compare the specification is a bit lower than the phone. What can we find in the Sony Ericsson W508 mobile phone? Features a quite sophisticated in it is also like me Shake that is still maintained to replace the song with just swing the phone. Other interesting feature is the ability to make calls with just a wave in front of the phone. Specifications of the Sony Ericsson W508 is a 3.2 megapixel camera, M2 memory card that can be used to increase capacity up to 16 GB. You can also find a 3.2 megapixel camera and stereo FM Radio on the phone. In terms of design is also very beautiful and captivating. Are you one of those that are interested in this phone?

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Sony Ericsson T715 Slider

Can not be denied again that Sony Ericssson is one of the innovative mobile phone vendors and potential in technology and design on its products so far. And as in tell recently, the Sony Ericsson has recently introduced a mobile phone newest products. Product introduction of the latest mobile phone is Sony Ericsson T715. Sony Ericsson T715 is a 3G slider phone that has quad-band GSM / EDGE and tri-band 850/1900/2100 UMTS / HSPA radio on board. Stand-features of this phone is 3.2 megapixel camera with photo light and video capture. This phone also has stereo Bluetooth and FM radio with RDS. In addition, one mobile phone that can run the Access NetFront web browser, Java support, and Microsoft ActiveSync for email. According to plan, mobile phone Sony Ericsson T715 will be circulating in the market in the third quarter of this year also. Meanwhile, the price itself, can not be sure that the price information. We will wait

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